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THE MAYDAY 2014 SUMMER MELTDOWN 6/19/14 - 8/22/14

Welcome to the Mayday Summer Meltdown Challenge!  The Arizona summer is heating up and our dogs are getting a little bored.  Leave it to them to come up with a fun little competition to make things more interesting. 

Have you ever found yourself saying, "I wish I lived closer to Mayday so I can attend one of their fun events or help out with the dogs"?  Well here is your chance!  You don't have to be located in Arizona to participate in the Meltdown Challenge. 


How does the Meltdown Challenge work?  It's simple. Just choose your favorite team and start fundraising!  You can throw your own Mayday fundraiser!  Have a car wash, bake sale, garage sale, lemonade stand, dance-a-thon, the ideas are endless!  Be creative! 


We will have super amazing prizes for the person on each team who raises the most money and the person who raises the most overall.  Don't wait to get started because the top donor at the half-way mark will also win a very special prize.


Mayday Pit Bull Rescue is a 501c3 non profit organization so you can remind everyone that their donation will be tax-deductible.  They will need to make a check payable to Mayday or pay via PayPal in order to keep track of their donation.  Donations can be made through PayPal or sent to PO Box 72406, Phoenix, AZ 85050.


We'll be keeping track of the race along the way so you can watch the competition heat up!

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